Strength Training
Strength is an integral part of becoming the best skier possible. The goal of our strength program is to be as specific as possible in regards to creating, improving, and maintaining ski specific strength. What is ski specific strength? Ski specific strength refers to muscles groups directly related to ski movement. In most cases these are the major muscles of the body. The most important piece of the puzzle is your core as it is responsible for linking your upper and lower body together. Below you will find multiple examples and ideas to get you going. It is up to you as to how far you take it.
Get After It !
Here is a basic list of fairly inexpensive but valuable tools that will help you out.
Ab Wheel
Balance Board
Pull-Up Bar
Dumbbell Weights/Kettle Bells
Yoga Mat
Resistance Bands/Straps
Basic Strength Routine: (Requiring little to no equipment)
The number of repetitions is going to vary depending on ability, adjust accordingly. Each Exercise should have 30sec-1min rest in between.
Day 1: Focus Upper Body
Warm-Up (5 min Jog, 5 min Jump Rope, 2 min Jumping Jacks, 1 min Push-Ups, 1 min Dips, 1 min Plank)
Push-Ups 3x20
Dips 3x20
Shoulder Press 3x15 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
Triceps 3x20 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
Arm Lifts (Front and Side) 2x10 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
He-Man 2x20 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
Dips 2x20
Push-Ups 2x15
Pull-Ups 5x10 (Adjust Accordingly)
Abs ( Choose A Routine) 250-500 reps
Plank (Front, Sides) 1x1min each total 5-10min
Day 2: Focus Lower Body
Warm-Up (5 min Jog, 5 min Jump Rope, 2 min Jumping Jacks, 1 min Push-Ups, 1 min Dips, 1 min Plank)
Front Lunge 2x15 on Each Leg
Side Lunge 2x15 on Each Leg
Back Lunge 2 x15 on Each Leg
Squats (With Weight or Resistance Band) 1x15 1x12 1x10
Single Leg Squats 1x15 1x12 1x10 on each leg
Calf Raises (Fast Both Legs) 2x25
Calf Raises (Fast Single Leg) 2x20
Squat with explosive jumps 2x20
Pull-Ups 5x10 (Adjust Accordingly)
Abs ( Choose A Routine) 250-500 reps
Plank (Front, Sides) 1x1min each total 5-10min
Day 3: Focus Overall Body (Core)
Warm-Up (5 min Jog, 5 min Jump Rope, 2 min Jumping Jacks, 1 min Push-Ups, 1 min Dips, 1 min Plank)
Push-Ups 2x20
Dips 2x15-30
Step Ups 2x20
Arm Lifts (Front and Side) 2x10 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
Triceps 3x20 (With Weight or Resistance Band)
Pull-Ups 5x10 (Adjust Accordingly)
Abs ( Choose A Routine) 250-500 reps
Plank (Front, Sides) 1x1min each total 5-10min
This is an example of what your week may look like. You may substitute in your own favorites depending on what equipment you have available. Total time should be approximation 45min-1hr 3 days a week.
For more advanced skiers you will want to also be doing core an additional 2 days a week with roller board added on if possible.
Here are some links to multiple videos that you will find helpful and will give you additional workout ideas.
U.S.A Nordic Strength Kate Whitcomb Kate Whitcomb SVSEF SVSEF U.S Ski Team
Russian Nordic Power Strength
Norwegian Nordic Strength The Sausage Prince ! Øystein Pettersen The Sausage Prince Øystein Pettersen The Sausage Prince ! Øystein Pettersen The Sausage Prince ! Øystein Pettersen Marit Bjorgen The Sausage Prince ! Øystein Pettersen
Kikkan Randall
Get Some Guns !